Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Couponing 101: Getting Started!

A lot of us have seen TLC's Extreme Couponing and wonder how in the world these people are getting these deals.  All I have to say is "Turn off the TV".  The deals being shown on Extreme Couponing are NOT normal transactions.  The people on the show are asked to created the biggest, craziest shopping trips that they can.  Watching the show will make a newbie couponer feel more than overwhelmed...and who needs 500 packages of Tic Tacs anyway?

The best advice I have for any beginner is to start slow!

Step 1:  Get Organized!
You can't be a successful couponer if you aren't organized.   Decide on a coupon organizational method that works best for you.

Step 2:  Find Coupons!
A lot people ask me where I get my coupons.  You can find coupons just about everywhere!

*Sunday Newpaper Inserts

-The Dollar Store sells the Sunday paper for $1 rather than the $2 newsstand price
-Ask friends, family, neighbors, co-workers for their inserts
-Check the local coffee shops or breakfast places on Sunday morning

*Trade coupons with friends, what you won't use for what they won't use

*Pick up coupons at the store
-coupon tear pads (only take as many as you are going to use)
-peelies (do not peel coupons off items you are not going to purchase)
*Print coupons from online sources – most sites allow you to print the coupon twice (just hit the back button 3 times after the first print and the coupon will print a 2nd time)
*Suck Up Letters – write to companies and tell them how much you like their product.  Success rate varies with this method.
*Facebook – lots of companies offer high value printable coupons by “liking” them on Facebook
*All You Magazine – You can only find this at Walmart (sells for $2.49).  I have been able to find yearly subscriptions for it for as low as $1 and issue though.
*Buy them 
 -Coupon Clipping Services                                                                                       www.couponsthingsbydede.com                                                                    ww.sundaycouponinserts.com                                                          
Step 3: Start Shopping!  (but remember, start slow).
Couponing is different at all stores.  Be sure to be familiar with the coupon policies at each store you shop at.  I suggest printing out a copy of the store coupon policy and keeping it with you when you shop.  The most successful couponer makes a calculated plan before heading to the store.  Having a specific list, matched with available coupons will make your shopping experience much more pleasant.  

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