Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Printing Coupons!

I love being able to print coupons at home.  I love that I can print coupons specific to items that I actually buy and there is no having to wait until Sunday to see what coupons might be in the paper!  The one disadvantage of printing your own coupons is that it does consume paper and ink.  Here are a couple things I do to minimize my costs when printing coupons:

1.  I print all of my coupons in black and white.

2.  Coupons can be printed on any paper.  Regular copy paper can start to get expensive if you start printing a lot of coupons.  One trick I have found is printing on the back side of junk mail or other paper that you would normally recycle.  I keep a bin for scratch paper (mostly handouts that get sent home from school with my kids) and print coupons on the back.

3.  Refill your ink cartridges yourself.  I steered clear of this option for a long time, worried that I wouldn't be able to refill them or that I would do something wrong.  A few months ago, I decided to toughen up and try it out.  All I can say is, "Why the heck did I wait for so long!".  Refilling most ink cartridges (except for Cannon) is very simple.  I bought a refill kit at Walgreens for $16 (I'm sure you could find them much cheaper elsewhere but I had Register Rewards to use up, so I didn't technically pay money out of pocket for it).  The instructions were easy and I was able to fill my cartridge with no problem.  The kit has enough ink in it for me to fill my black cartridge probably 5 or 6 times!  That is a huge savings from paying $25 for a new cartridge!

Here are just a few of my favorite places to print coupons from:

Smart Source
Red Plum
Target Coupons
Walmart Coupons

A lot of times, you can also find coupons on individual companies websites.  For a huge list of company websites, check out my "Print Coupons" tab at the top of my blog!

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